2 Broke Girls season 4 will guest star Kim Kardashian

2 Broke Girls have reached their 4th season now, and its popularity doesn’t seem to wither. In an appearance on Conan, Kat Dennings talked about her childhood and the show. Apparently Kat was a goth kid growing up. She said her favorite thing to do when on hiatus is to sleep and not talk. She loves the solitude of not hearing her own voice. The star also talked about the first episode of the new season, which will premiere Monday at 8 on CBS.

The show has a special guest star: Kim Kardashian. Kardashian will be playing herself. Dennings jokingly said she did a good job. Kardashian has done many appearances as herself over the years. It’s the best role she has ever played, probably the only one, really.


2 Broke Girls doesn’t have a fixed schedule published yet by CBS, but at least 8 episodes are in the works. All previous seasons have had the typical number of 24 episodes. Season 4 will very likely have the same number. You can expect to see 2 Broke Girls until next summer. There’s no word on what other special guest stars will be featured. After 72 episodes the writers are probably grasping at straws and will probably feature many more.