Post-pregnancy work-out tips

In order to get rid of the extra weight caused by pregnancy, you can try out a few simple post  pregnancy exercises. They do not require any special equipment and you can try them out in your home. These sets of exercises focus on your entire body. In order to see results, you should turn them into a daily routine. These post – pregnancy exercises should be done only if you have your doctor’s approval. Make sure you do not put yourself through effort too soon after giving birth.

The first post – pregnancy exercise is called Cancan Cross. It focuses on your abdomen, oblique muscles and legs. Lie on your back, on the floor with your upper body propped on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. Bend your knees in such a way that your feet get close to your body. Your toes should be touching the floor in front of you. Keep you upper body still and your toes touching the floor. Bring your knees to the right, towards the floor. Afterwards, bring them to the left. While your knees point right, extend both your legs diagonally up to right and bend them back down as quickly as you can. Repeat this move to the left, then right and left again. This represents one rep. Do 2 sets of 8 reps.

The second post – pregnancy exercise is called Bridge Lift. This exercise focuses on your abdomen and your buttocks. Lie with your face up. Keep your knees bent, feet flat and your arms by sides, with your palms facing down. Lift your hips from the floor until your body forms a line from knees to shoulder. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Extend your right leg up and maintain the position for 10-30 seconds. While you keep your leg up, lower your hips to the floor, then lift them for 8 reps. Cross your right leg over the left one as if you were sitting with your legs crossed. Maintain this position and lower and lift your hips 8 times. Switch your legs and repeat the moves. Try 2 sets at first.

The third recommended post- pregnancy exercise is called Lunge and Slide. It focuses on your abdomen, buttocks, legs and shoulders. Make sure you stand in such a way that your left foot heel nestles into the arch of your right foot, holding a dumbbell in both your hands, next to your hips. Keep your right foot planted, thrust your left foot forward, while bending your knee 90 degrees. The right leg needs to be extended behind you. Hinge forwards with your hips and slowly raise the dumbbells diagonally over your head. Hold for a while, then slowly slide your left leg back, straighten both your legs and lower your arms to the initial position. Repeat 8 times, switching sides. Do 2 sets.