Teenager Killed and Raped his Mother

A 18 year old teenager from Texas brutally killed his mother then raped her corpse. Initially he tried strangling his mother with a video game power cord, but after this act proved to be time consuming, he picked up a hammer and hit her over the head 20 times. Kevin Davis declared that he had stuck his hand into the open wound and grabbed her brain, in order to make sure she was indeed dead. The gruesome incident took place in March 27.  On Monday he pleaded guilty to first-degree murder, on the day his trial began.

After admitting to having raped his mother’s dead body, he nonchalantly said “Guess I lost my virginity to a dead corpse”.  While the video depicting the murder was played during court, he watched it without showing any remorse or any kind of emotion. After it was done, he swiveled his chair towards the jury and smiled. The teenager told detectives he had long been fantasizing about murdering his mother and sister. After he had killed and raped his mother, he waited around for a while for his sister to come home. In the end, he decided to leave. He declared: “I had my fill of killing. It seemed a little much”. He rode his bike for a while, before deciding to knock on someone’s door and tell them to call the police because he had murdered someone. During the trial, the teenager waved at the couple who had opened the door for him and called the police.

At the scene of the crime, police found a trail of blood, from the living room to the bedroom. There was also a note from the teenager, saying “Chase me. Sorry for the mess. KD” While on trial, the teenager managed to shock the jurors when he describes some of his previous acts of violence and some of his murder fantasies. He admitted to having drowned a cat and having sexual intercourse with its remains. He also told his fantasy of dressing up in a suit, decapitating a girl, putting her body in a dress and having sex with her dead body. He described the fantasy as “a night to remember”.

As far as his mother goes, he said she was the best mother and did not really deserve to die. However, he said he regretted what he did, in a way, but he would not take it back. He said: “I did love her in a way. I’m a terrible, disgusting person”.  He told police he had asked his mother for permission to kill himself because he had grown bored with life and hated people. He said she was upset with the idea, but eventually told him she could not control what he did. That was when the teenager decided on killing her. He added: “I don’t have standards, I don’t have morals. A body’s a body — a piece of meat”.


Teenager Kevin Davis was sentenced on Wednesday to 100 years in prison. He told detectives he believed he deserved the sentence for what he had done because otherwise he would kill again. He said he did not consider himself mentally disturbed, because he was perfectly aware of what he had done.