Android Lollipop: Nexus OTA Links Now Live

The Android 5.0.1 software update that’s been dubbed Lollipop is currently being rolled out. It was just announced that the over the air (or OTA as it’s commonly known) updates have been revealed for just part of the expansive Nexus device lineup.

Nexus smartphone owners can’t celebrate just yet as the Lollipop OTA rollout has primarily been focused on Nexus tablets. Nexus smartphone owners shouldn’t stress too much as they can anticipate seeing the Lollipop update notification on their phones any day now. Sweet!

For those Nexus tablet owners who have not yet installed Android 5.0.1 Lollipop, here are the links where you can snag the latest Android software update:

So why is Google making us wait (impatiently, I might add) with such a slow Lollipop rollout? The wizards at Google have insisted that the staggered release of Lollipop is ideal since it will give them the chance to address any reported bugs and stomp them out before they become massive issues. It’s an interesting approach, but one that I’m sure has many smartphone fans wringing their hands in frustration.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with all of the bells and whistles included in the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update, here’s a quick rundown of why Droid fans are giddy with excitement. In addition to a slick new interface, Lollipop users will get a taste of the revamped lock screen and “heads up” notifications, the ability to ‘check in’ with your other Android and Chrome OS devices bypassing the need to constantly enter your password, and even the ability to create separate work and home profiles all with an increased battery life. Phew!

With a bevy of such exciting features included in Lollipop, it’s no wonder you’ve got Google Android fans drooling over this sweet treat! If you want to check out the full list of the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop image files, head over to the Google Developers page.